Classic DaVinci Power Grade


My Classic DaVinci Resolve Power Grade

Download and use my prepared Classic DaVinci Resolve Power Grade, that includes all my main nodes.

This power grade includes:

1. Color space transforms from Your chosen camera profile to Davinci Wide gamut where all the grading is happening and after transformed to Rec709.

2. Exposure and balance nodes.

3. HSV Saturation, control the cinematic saturation with Gamma and Gain wheels.

4. Prepared Look node for making Your creative looks.

5. Preinstalled power windows, like vignette and so on.

6. My preferred Glow settings node.

7. My preferred Grain settings node.

8. My preferred Noise Reduction setting node

Main nodes like Exposure, Balance, Saturation, Look are empty, other nodes that include effects are preset the way I use them in my projects.

Download, install and use in any of Your projects.